Membership BBQ @Brownsprings

Brown Springs Competition Area Brown Springs Competition Area, Farmington, NM, United States

It's a good time. We bring out our rigs to play around the area. The food is awesome.

Cliffhangers July 4th Campout

Silverton, CO Mineral Creek, Silverton, NM, United States

Join us even if just for an evening or a day of wheeling. It'll be worth the trip.

W.E. Rock Grand Nationals 2016

Chokecherry Canyon pinon hills blvd and glade road, Farmington, NM, United States

Grand Nationals September 10-11 Farmington, NM – Choke Cherry Canyon DETAILS COMING SOON

Easter Jeep Safari

Moab Utah , United States

Registration for the 2017 Easter Jeep Safari is open and ongoing, with about 60% of the trail/days already filled. That means there is plenty of

Fall Crawl

Chokecherry Canyon pinon hills blvd and glade road, Farmington, NM, United States

Get your trail runs, a T-Shirt, and a raffle ticket!


Eat My Dust Lunch

Eat My Dust Lunch Grab you rig and your friends for lunch in downtown Farmington from 11am to 1pm. We are going to flood the

Offroad Downtown Takeover

Offroad Downtown Takeover Come out and help us welcome the WERock competitors with a Show and Swap, flex competition, Vendors, raffle, and downtown fun. This

Free to Spectators

12th annual New Years Run

Chokecherry Canyon pinon hills blvd and glade road, Farmington, NM, United States

[youtube id="" width="600" height="350" autoplay="no" api_params="" class=""] Let's get out and play! Each year we hope for snow so that we can go and do

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